Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Scheherazade & Michael Vick

The last Moosewood dinner was a huge success, once again great company, great discussions and great food.

Dinner began with Moosewood's "Light Cream of Celery Soup" (I was skeptical, but it was delicious) 

Followed by the main course of Moosewood's Scheherazade Casserole;

1 c raw bulgur                        black pepper and cayenne, to taste

1 c boiling water                     1 large bell pepper, diced

1 tbs olive oil                          3/4 c dry soybeans, soaked

2 c minced onion                    1/2  14oz can tomatoes, drained

3 large cloves minced garlic     3 tbs (half a small can) tomato past

1/2 tsp salt                              1/2 c (packed) finely minced parsely

2 tsp cumin                            1 1/2 to 2 c crumbled feta cheese

1 1/2 tsp basil

1.Preheat oven to 375F.  Lightly oil a 9x13 inch baking pan

2.Place the bulgur in a small bowl.  Add boiling water, cover with a plate and let stand at least 15 minutes

3.Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large skillet.  Add onion, garlic, salt, and seasonings.  Stir occasionally as you saute over medium heat for 5-8 minutes.  Add bell pepper and saute about 5 minutes more.

4.Drain the soybeans, if necessary, and place them in a blender or food processor with 1 c fresh water.  Grind until the soybeans resemble a coarse batter.  Transfer to a large bowl

5. Add the soaked bulgur and sauteed vegetables to the soybeans.  Stir in the tomaroes, breaking them up into bite-sized pieces.  Add tomato paste, parsley, and 1 cup of the feta.  Mix well.

6.Spread into the baking pan and sprinkle the remaining feta on top.  Cover and bake for 30 minutes at 375F, then uncover and bake 15 minutes more with the oven turned down to 350F, serve hot.  

(also served salad with Moosewood's Roquefort Dressing)

On top of being over a week late with this post, I also, somehow, in all of the excitement, forgot to photograph the meal...But I have a lovely photo of our guests in its place (names below the photo)  Our dinner conversation concerned Michael Vick (NFL player convicted for running a dog fighting ring) and if he deserves to be forgiven.  We seemed to have just enough varying opinions to have a lively conversation...

  Leah and Bill, Amanda, Bill, Anne, Amy, and Ryan

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Moosewood 2011

This years first moosewood dinner will take place THIS friday...the guest list is still in the works but here is the discussion topic...Since it is from NPR, you can either read it or listen to the broadcast.  Enjoy!

NPR- Is It Time to Forgive Michael Vick?

Menu to follow!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Round 1 Photo, finally!

My computer decided to let me download the picture, here it is!  Thanks Larry!
(from left- Jessie, Jordan, Carl & Sola, Colleen, Larry, Kim, Bill)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Round 1

Our first Moosewood Project dinner was a success!  Guests included Jessie, Jordan, and Carl from Buffalo, as well as locals Kim and Larry.

The conversation was great- even before any mention of our assigned reading!  And the food was delicious.

The menu included, a green salad, lentil soup, eggplant parmesan, and delicious oat bread.

Larry, a professional photographer, was able to snap a beautiful shot of the whole group!  Unfortunately I am having some trouble downloading it to the sight.  Hoping to add it soon!  Thanks for reading!  Next dinner is tentatively scheduled for this upcoming Sunday...

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Our inaugural Moosewood Project dinner party will take place THIS Friday December 10th.  The menu and guest list have been decided and are as follows;

Colleen will have 3 college friends in town from Buffalo that will all be in attendance.  And Bill has invited 2 of his friends from Waterbury.

This weeks menu includes; Eggplant Parmesan, Lentil Soup and a Green Salad.

We thought it might be fun to provide a topic of conversation for our guests- below you'll find an article that appeared in Newsweek on November 22.  The topic at!

What Food Says About Class in America